Twin Falls and Burley, Idaho Podiatrist Can Help Alleviate Baseball and Softball Injuries
When you’re active, few things are as frustrating as sitting on the sidelines. At Canyon Foot + Ankle in The Magic Valley, our sports injury podiatry team takes a progressive approach to help you get back in the game, using state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment tools for all types of baseball and softball injuries. Here’s what you should know about them, including treatment and prevention.
Common Baseball and Softball Injuries
Many athletes look forward to hitting the field in the spring and summer. Although softball and baseball are relatively safe, various types of sports foot injuries and problems are common during an active season.
Overuse Injuries
Various issues arise from training or playing too hard, including Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. Make sure to gradually increase the difficulty of any exercise or training program to avoid overuse complications.
Sprained Ankles
Running, fielding balls, and sliding into or stepping onto bases set the stage for sprained ankles. Untreated sprains can lead to chronic ankle problems.
Stress Fractures and Broken Bones
A stress fracture is when tiny cracks form and compromise the bone’s integrity instead of it breaking completely. This usually happens in the feet as a result of overuse and strain. Broken foot and ankle bones are often the result of trauma like a bad fall or impact, but these can also happen from overuse.
Injuries From Cleats
Neuromas, sesamoids, bunions, and hammer toes can all develop or be aggravated by wearing cleats, especially if they’re not properly fitted.
Shin Splints
Anyone who places repetitive stress on their shins and the surrounding muscles and tendons develops extensive inflammation. The term shin splints describes the resulting pain on the front or outside of the shins or on the inside of the lower leg above the ankle.
Ingrown Toenails
Pitchers and catchers are prone to ingrown toenails because they place more demand on their toes than athletes playing other positions. They’re even more likely to develop ingrown toenails if they are cutting their nails too short or at an angle instead of straight across.
Getting hit by the ball or making contact with other players causes bruising, swelling, and pain. While these issues usually aren’t a big deal and go away on their own, some contusions impact foot and ankle bones and take much longer to heal.
Know How to Prevent Foot Injuries
Athletes can reduce their risk of injuries when playing softball or baseball in several ways.
- Slowly increase the intensity of workouts.
- Ensure footwear always fits properly, leaving plenty of space for you to wiggle your toes.
- Replace worn-out shoes right away.
- Address any existing issues, such as flatfeet, tight calves, or wounds.
- Cross-train to include some workouts that aren’t as hard on the feet and ankles.
- Stretch and warm up properly before engaging in rigorous activities.
Our Treatment Options for Baseball and Softball Injuries
At Canyon Foot + Ankle in Burley and Twin Falls, we specialize in foot and ankle care that treats sports injuries through traditional therapeutic interventions but also cutting-edge technology. Here’s what we might recommend.
MLS Laser Therapy
This pain-free, non-invasive treatment option uses medical-grade lasers to accelerate healing. Essentially, it works by stimulating your cells and giving them the energy they need to soothe pain and repair damaged tissue at an accelerated rate.
Custom Orthotics
Orthotics made just for your feet reduce the impact of high-intensity sports. Though it is a common perception that orthotics are meant for older people or people with diabetes, many professional athletes use orthotics because they help them move more efficiently, lessen pain, and reduce their risk of injury.
Preventative Care
We can also help you prevent injuries with regular exams, consultations on proper footwear for your activity, and recommendations for foot stretches and conditioning. While you’re waiting for your appointment, depending on the nature of the issue, it’s often a good idea to try the following after a baseball or softball foot injury:
- Rest
- Ice
- Compression
- Elevation
- Over-the-counter pain relievers